another picture book group for writers in 2023

I’m offering another Picture Book Group for Writers online in the new year! This time a Saturday slot!

Over a month, we’ll meet on Saturdays from 10am to noon Pacific with a bonus 15 minute mingle at the end:

Saturdays January 14, 21, 28 and February 4 via Google Meet. 


I’ll facilitate two components:

  1. A reading and discussion of a recent picture book title in which we illuminate what makes it sing.
  2. A supportive feedback session (like a critique group) with positive comments as well as a dialogue of our constructive responses and suggestions led by the writer. 

8 participants max.

4 manuscripts each time, so every participant gets their read twice over our month! One draft and then a revision. 

This is open to writers and illustrators of all experience levels with a manuscript in progress who are looking for feedback, community, and camaraderie around this special form and endeavor! (Your ms should be 1,000 words or fewer.)

Cool bits:

You get a picture book read to you! After that, I’ll facilitate a group discussion of what’s effective about it along with what it has to teach us.

You get a supportive environment to confidentially share your work led by a facilitator who is an experienced writer, editor, and teacher who is rooting for you!

You get to receive and respond to comments on your work from other writers (and me), creating a valuable dialogue that supports your voice and vision for your story as you revise. 

You get to build your writing community over four weeks.

You get two opportunities to have your work read—once and then once again after revising per our comments. Folks will get to know your story and we’ll have more context to offer on the second go! Plus, we’ll all learn from one another’s stories. 

You get a 15 minute mingle after the group in case you’d like to stick around and chat, ask questions, or share resources. 

Email me to sign up (I’ll send you a PayPal link unique to me), inquire about the scholarship, or ask a question!






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