Hello, and Welcome!
I'm Danielle Davis. I read, write, and roller skate in Los Angeles. And I'm passionate about sparking kids' unique voices and imaginations while experessing mine. My goal with every project is to offer children validation, comfort, and hope—through story.
What's New?
OUR FEET WERE NOT ON THE EARTH: Breakidz in Gaza written by Ahmed Alghariz and me, illustrated by Noor Alshalabi, will be published by Candlewick Books in a couple of years.
This story is inspired by the children of Camps Breakerz.
What an honor and joy to bring this story of breaking as a source of comfort, pride, art, agency, and community to life. Ahmed and the whole Camps Breakerz crew have provided healing, hope, and smiles to kids undergoing trauma for twenty years.
Plus: you're always invited to stay in the loop on my author news and process, classes, books, events, and editing + lots of creative public service announcements for you with my newsletter/Substack: PSA from Danielle Davis.