teacher resource

this writer’s life creative advice compilation #1

In honor of 20 episodes of This Writer’s Life, a few weeks back I published a special compilation of creative advice from all of them!

One of my very favorite parts of this project is that each video features someone I admire offering a piece of creative advice for young writers. That’s why we created Creative Advice Compilation #1!

In the YouTube video, you’ll behold 20 creative advice-givers sharing their experience and wise guidance from their own process with young writers! 

My hope is that you will be as inspired as I am by every person and what they have to share. Enormous gratitude to each and every one! And links to their websites are over in the show notes on YouTube so you can find out more about them while you’re there!

my writer’s life (FREE!) creative writing activities journal



It’s here! It’s free! It’s a downloadable, printable PDF from my website! 

That’s right, it’s:

My Writer’s Life Creative Writing Activities Journal for Kids (volume one)!

This journal contains 10 creative writing activities aimed at 8 to 12-year-olds that can be used in conjunction with corresponding This Writer’s Life episodes on YouTube or explored on their own. I hope it’s of use to budding writers to explore story, language, and imagination, all things they might need right now.

Here it is in my webshop.

And if you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll not only get new episodes of This Writer’s Life, but a welcome email that automatically sends you a link to this writing journal for kids. 

Take care of yourself and each other during this time of compassionate physical distancing for the greater good, and happy writing to the kids in your life!

Here’s a little snippet of me talking about this resource.



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